Mother Rosalie Clifton Hill Award
Stephen K. MBA ’71 (BS) and Victoria J. ’74 (BS) Nasman
The Affinity Advisory Group
Vicki always says her life began at USD where she met Steve, whom she married in 1974, just a few short months after graduation.
While living and working in San Diego, the couple welcomed their first child, Ian. Job changes required a move to the Inland Empire, where they welcomed their second child, Kate.
No matter where their lives took them, the Nasmans always stayed connected to USD through alumni chapters across California and Arizona.
In 1997 they joined the Orange County Alumni Chapter. After helping with several events, they agreed to lead the chapter. Since then, they have coordinated many events, including an annual celebration at the Pageant of the Masters, with a great team of alumni volunteers. They help with high school college fairs and participate in Summer Send Offs for incoming freshmen. They also talk with high school seniors interested in learning more about USD.
Vicki and Steve enjoy coming back to campus, missing very few Homecoming weekends. Their legacy continued, when daughter Kate ’03 chose to attend USD, giving them the opportunity to connect with USD as parents.
Now retired from the financial services industry and from public service, they enjoy time with grandchildren and working with their consulting firm, The Affinity Advisory Group. Even though USD has changed in the years since they graduated, it still feels like home and reminds them of the first time they stepped onto the campus so many years ago.